A native of Ziro, Arunachal Pradesh, Duyu Tabyo is an acclaimed writer and director of the famed ‘Stranger In My Land’, a hard hitting short film on racial profiling which drew the attention of all the major Media conglomerate in India and abroad.
A registered writer at the Film Writers Association (FWA), Mumbai, his subjects are drawn from real life situations and incidents and forms a beautiful and compelling storytelling. Currently serving as Creative Head for CoreConxept Entertainment Pvt. Ltd., Duyu Tabyo has established himself as a serious filmmaker whose subjects has always stirred a debate on morality, life and draws an inspiration for the masses.
He has to his credit the inspiring biographic documentary, ‘Mudang Laling- The journey of an Extraordinaire’, and has recently finished writing and directing the biographic documentary of ’T.R Zeliang- The story so Far.’
His other prominent works include ‘Drugs, Life and Death’, ‘Redemption’ and ‘Aborted.’
5 years
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